Label: Uni

Alexander's Timeless Bloozband73021USA 196825 € 
- For Sale 
Alexandra, Sandra73063USA 196910 € 
- The Intimate Side Of... 
Alexandra, Sandra73039USA 196810 € 
- Warm & Wild 
Allen, Barry73104USA 197110 € 
- Barry Allen 
American Blues73044USA 196950 € 
- Do Their Thing (with Dusty Hill & Frank Beard, later of ZZ Top) 
Aquarians, The73053USA 196925 € 
- Jungle Grass  
Badfoot Brown & Bunions Bradford73080USA 197010 € 
- Badfoot Brown & The Bunions Bradford Funeral And Marching Band (Bill Cosby presents...) 
Balderdash73138USA 197225 € 
- The Ballad Of Shirley Goodness & Mercy 
Big Black73134USA 197210 € 
- Big Black & The Blues 
Big BlackUNLS 126UK 197210 € 
- Big Black & The Blues 
Big Black73018USA 196810 € 
- Elements Of Now  
Big Black73114USA 197110 € 
- If You're Diggin' What You're Doin'... 
Big Black73033USA 196810 € 
- Lion Walk 
Big Black73012USA 196710 € 
- Message To Our Ancestors 
Boondoggle & Balderdash73121USA 197125 € 
- Boondoggle & Balderdash 
Burnett, J. Henry73125USA 197210 € 
- The B-52 Band & The Fabulous Skylarks 
Carlton, Larry73036USA 196810 € 
- With A Little Help From My Friends 
Cascades, The73069USA 196910 € 
- Maybe The Rain Will Fall 
Charity73061USA 196910 € 
- Now 
Christian, Roger73011USA 196710 € 
- Discover Yourself Through Astrology 
Cosby, Bill73112USA 197110 € 
- For Adults Only 
Cosby, Bill73139USA 197210 € 
- Inside The Mind Of... 
Cosby, Bill73082USA 197010 € 
- Live Madison Square Garden Center 
Cosby, Bill73066USA 196910 € 
- Sports 
Cosby, Bill73101USA 197110 € 
- Talks To Kids About Drugs 
Cosby, Bill73100USA 197110 € 
- When I Was A Kid 
D'Abo, MikeUNLS 114UK 197025 € 
- D'Abo 
D'Abo, Mike6369 601GER 197025 € 
- D'Abo 
Dahlstrom, Patti73127USA 197210 € 
- Patti Dahlstrom (with insert) 
Dahlstrom, Patti6369 615GER 197210 € 
- Patti Dahlstrom 
Davis, Jan73070USA 196910 € 
- Flamenco Funk 
Dekker, Desmond73059USA 196925 € 
- Israelites (as Desmond Dekker & The Aces) 
Diamond, Neil73047USA 196910 € 
- Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show 
Diamond, NeilUNLS 107UK 197010 € 
- Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show 
Diamond, Neil6369 608GER 197010 € 
- Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show 
Diamond, Neil73084USA 197010 € 
- Gold 
Diamond, NeilUNLS 116UK 197010 € 
- Gold 
Diamond, Neil6369 602GER 197010 € 
- Gold 
Diamond, Neil6369 604GER 197010 € 
- Holly Holy 
Diamond, NeilULD 1-2UK 197310 € 
- Hot August Night (2LP-Set) 
Diamond, Neil6641 066GER 197210 € 
- Hot August Night (2LP-Set) 
Diamond, Neil93136USA 197210 € 
- Moods 
Diamond, Neil6369 618GER 197210 € 
- Moods 
Diamond, NeilUNLS 128UK 197210 € 
- Moods 
Diamond, Neil6369 618GER 197210 € 
- Moods 
Diamond, Neil93106USA 197110 € 
- Stones 
Diamond, NeilUNLS 121UK 197110 € 
- Stones 
Diamond, Neil6369 613GER 197110 € 
- Stones 
Diamond, Neil73092USA 197010 € 
- Tap Root Manuscript 
Diamond, NeilUNLS 117UK 197110 € 
- Tap Root Manuscript 
Diamond, Neil6369 606GER 197010 € 
- Tap Root Manuscript 
Diamond, Neil73071USA 196910 € 
- Touching You, Touching Me 
Diamond, NeilUNLS 110UK 197010 € 
- Touching You, Touching Me 
Diamond, Neil73030USA 196810 € 
- Velvet Gloves And Spit (First release, eyes only cover) 
Diamond, Neil73030USA 197010 € 
- Velvet Gloves And Spit (Second release, full head cover, incl. 'Shilo') 
Diamond, NeilUNLS 106UK 197010 € 
- Velvet Gloves And Spit 
Diamond, Neil6369 614GER 197110 € 
- Velvet Gloves And Spit 
Druids Of Stonehenge73004USA 1967125 € 
- Creation  
East Side Kids73032USA 196825 € 
- The Tiger And The Lamb 
Ebony Rhythm Funk Campaign73142USA 197225 € 
- Ebony Rhythm Funk Campaign 
Everett, Betty73048USA 196910 € 
- There'll Come A Time 
Everett, BettyUNLS 109UK 196910 € 
- There'll Come A Time 
Ferris Wheel73093USA 197010 € 
- Ferris Wheel  
Fever Tree73040USA 196810 € 
- Another Time, Another Place  
Fever Tree73067USA 196910 € 
- Creation  
Fever Tree73024USA 196825 € 
- Fever Tree  
Fever TreeUNLS 102UK 196925 € 
- Fever Tree 
Fields73050USA 196950 € 
- Fields  
FieldsUNLS 104UK 196975 € 
- Fields 
Fitzgerald, G.F.UNLS 115UK 197075 € 
- Mouseproof (with insert) 
Fitzgerald, G.F.6369 605GER 197050 € 
- Mouseproof (with insert) 
Flaming Youth73075USA 197025 € 
- Ark 2  
Foundations, The73016USA 196810 € 
- Baby, Now That I've Found You 
Foundations, The73043USA 196910 € 
- Build Me Up Buttercup  
Foundations, The73058USA 196910 € 
- Digging The Foundations  
Fred, John & His Playboy Band73077USA 197010 € 
- Love My Soul 
Frost, Thomas & Richard73124USA 197210 € 
- Thomas & Richard Frost  
Fun & Games73042USA 196825 € 
- Elephant Candy 
Geronimo Black73132USA 197225 € 
- Geronimo Black 
Geronimo BlackUNLS 127UK 197225 € 
- Geronimo Black 
Geronimo Black6369 619GER 197225 € 
- Geronimo Black 
Giant Crab73037USA 196825 € 
- A Giant Crab Comes Forth  
Giant Crab73057USA 196925 € 
- Cool It... Helios  
Glasser, Dick73083USA 197010 € 
- Presents Artistry In Sound 
Gospel OakUNLS 113UK 197050 € 
- Gospel Oak 
Gospel Oak6369 603GER 197025 € 
- Gospel Oak 
Green, Garland73073USA 197025 € 
- Jealous Kind Of Fella 
Hazzard, Tony73126USA 197210 € 
- Loudwater House 
Hippy Dippys73001USA 196710 € 
- Thoroughly Modern Millie 
Holmes, Marvin & The Uptights73046USA 196925 € 
- Ooh Ooh The Dragon And Other Monsters 
Hook, The73038USA 196825 € 
- Hooked  
Hook, The73023USA 196825 € 
- The Hook Will Grab You  
Hyland, Brian73097USA 197110 € 
- Brian Hyland 
Hyland, BrianUNLS 118UK 197210 € 
- Brian Hyland 
Hyland, Brian6369 609GER 197110 € 
- Brian Hyland 
Jeremiah73128USA 197210 € 
- I Want To Be With You (as David Brown & Jeremiah) 
Jeremiah73098USA 197110 € 
- Jeremiah  
Johannesburg Street Band73022USA 196810 € 
- Dancin' Through The Streets 
John, Elton93105USA 197110 € 
- 11-17-70 
John, Elton73090USA 197010 € 
- Elton John 
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