Artist: Morricone, Ennio

Morricone, EnnioRCA SF 7875UK 196725 € 
- A Fistful Of Dollars 
Morricone, EnnioUnited Artists UAS 29345UK 197225 € 
- A Fistful Of Dynamite 
Morricone, EnnioRCA SP 8021 ITA 1966150 € 
- Ad Ogni Costo (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRicordi SMRL 6198ITA 197625 € 
- Alle Origini Della Mafia (TV Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCinevox MDF 33/56ITA 197225 € 
- Anche Se Volessi Lavorare Che Faccio? (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioUnited Artists UAS 5171USA 196710 € 
- Battle Of Algiers (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioUnited Artists UA-LA 293USA 197410 € 
- Battle Of Algiers (Soundtrack) (reissue) 
Morricone, EnnioAriola 200 915GER 197910 € 
- Bleib Wie Du Bist (Soundtrack) (Cosi' Come Sei) 
Morricone, EnnioUnited Artists UA-LA 303USA 197010 € 
- Burn! (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioApplause APLP 1017USA 198210 € 
- Butterfly (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioGemelli GG ST 10-017ITA 197250 € 
- Chi L'Ha Vista Morire (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA KOLS 1010ITA 1970100 € 
- Citta' Violenta (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioAriete ARLP 2008ITA 196925 € 
- Colonna Sonora (Compilation) 
Morricone, EnnioAriete ARLP 2010ITA 197025 € 
- Colonna Sonora, No. 2 (Compilation) 
Morricone, EnnioGeneral Music ZSLGE 55064ITA 1971100 € 
- Colori (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCAM MAG 10.014ITA 1968125 € 
- Comandamenti Per Un Gangster (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA SP 8020 ITA 196775 € 
- Come Imparai Ad Amare Le Donne (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioGemelli GG ST 10-019ITA 1973125 € 
- Contro Fase (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA SP 8062 ITA 198675 € 
- Cosa Avete Fatto A Solange? (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCinevox MDF 33/122ITA 197825 € 
- Cosi' Come Sei (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioAriola 200 675GER 197910 € 
- Disque D'Or 
Morricone, EnnioUnited Artists UAS 5221USA 197210 € 
- Duck, You Sucker (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioAriola 200 742GER 197910 € 
- Ein Käfig Voller Narren (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA SP 8061 ITA 198625 € 
- El Greco (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCAM MAG 10.010ITA 1968125 € 
- Escalation (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioWarner Bros. K 56397UK 197710 € 
- Exorcist II: The Heretic (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCinevox MDF 33/74-75ITA 197450 € 
- Fotogramma Per Fotogramma (Soundtrack) (2LP-Set) 
Morricone, EnnioCAM SAG 9010ITA 1968100 € 
- Galileo (Soundtrack) (also: Partner) 
Morricone, EnnioCinevox MDF 33/50ITA 197225 € 
- Giu' la Testa (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioMGM SE-4565USA 196810 € 
- Guns For San Sebastian (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioBeat LPF 040ITA 197725 € 
- Holocaust 2000 (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA TPL 2-1174ITA 1975100 € 
- I Film Della Violenza (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA SP 8007 ITA 1966175 € 
- I Film Western Di... 
Morricone, EnnioCam CMS 30-078ITA 196475 € 
- I Malamondo (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCAM CMS 30-078ITA 196375 € 
- I Malamondo (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA PSL 10481ITA 1970150 € 
- Ideato, Scritto E Diretto Da... 
Morricone, EnnioRCA PSL 10481ITA 1970200 € 
- Ideato, Scritto E Diretto Da... 
Morricone, EnnioCinevox MDF 33/117ITA 197825 € 
- Il Gatto (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCinevox MDF 33/128ITA 1979100 € 
- Il Giocattolo (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioParade FPR 317ITA 1968400 € 
- Il Grande Silenzio (Soundtrack)  
Morricone, EnnioBeat LPF 041ITA 197725 € 
- Il Prefetto Di Ferro (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioBeat LPF 026ITA 197450 € 
- Il Sorriso Del Grande Tentatore (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCAM SAG 9036ITA 197275 € 
- Incontro (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCinevox MDF 33/23ITA 196975 € 
- L'Assoluto Naturale (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA SP 8022ITA 196750 € 
- L'Avventuriero (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCinevox MDF 33/31ITA 1969500 € 
- L'Uccello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA SP 8019ITA 1966250 € 
- La Battaglia Di Algeri (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA SP 8038ITA 1971150 € 
- La Classe Operaia Va In Paradiso (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCinevox MDF 33/60ITA 197225 € 
- La Cosa Buffa (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioYuki 873.003FRA 197825 € 
- La Faille (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioEureka EPL 2891ITA 1968350 € 
- La Resa Dei Conti (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioAriete ARLP 2005ITA 1969250 € 
- La Stagione Dei Sensi (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCinevox MDF 33/144ITA 198125 € 
- La Storia Vera Della Signora Delle Camelie (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioGeneral Music ZSLGE 55063ITA 1971125 € 
- Maddalena (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioEpic BN 26126USA 196510 € 
- Malamondo (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioAriola 204 699GER 198210 € 
- Marco Polo (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioArista AL 8304USA 198210 € 
- Marco Polo (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioAriola 87582 IUGER 197310 € 
- Mein Name Ist Nobody (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA SP 8013ITA 1965400 € 
- Menage All'Italiana (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA KOLS 1009ITA 197025 € 
- Metello (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCinevox MDF 33/16ITA 196975 € 
- Metti, Una Sera A Cena (Soundtrack)  
Morricone, EnnioPye NSPH 28503UK 197410 € 
- Moses The Lawgiver (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA PML 10386ITA 196450 € 
- Musica Sul Velluto 
Morricone, EnnioCinevox MDF 33/161ITA 198325 € 
- Nana (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioUnited Artists UA-LA 292USA 197425 € 
- Navajo Joe (Soundtrack) (as Leo Nichols) 
Morricone, EnnioAriola 27207 OTGER 197510 € 
- Nobody Ist Der Grösste (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCAM SAG 9086ITA 197810 € 
- Noi Lazzaroni (TV Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioCinevox MDF 33/145ITA 198125 € 
- Occhio Alla Penna (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioMercury 818 697-1GER 198410 € 
- Once Upon A Time In America (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioMercury MERH 45UK 198410 € 
- Once Upon A Time In America (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioMercury SRM 1-4093USA 198410 € 
- Once Upon A Time In America (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA LSP 4736USA 197225 € 
- Once Upon A Time In The West (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA LSP 34085ITA 197050 € 
- Per Un Pugno Di Samba (Chico Buarque De Hollanda) 
Morricone, EnnioCAM SAG 9032ITA 1970400 € 
- Quando Le Donne Avevano La Coda (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioVirgin V 2491UK 198810 € 
- Rampage (Soundtrack)  
Morricone, EnnioPolydor 2393 152FRA 197710 € 
- Rene La Canne (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioGeneral Music ZSLGE 55496ITA 197375 € 
- Revolver (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA LSP 4612USA 197110 € 
- Sacco & Vanzetti (Soundtrack) (with Joan Baez) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA SF 8211UK 197210 € 
- Sacco And Vanzetti (Soundtrack) (feat. Joan Baez) 
Morricone, EnnioAriola 206 201GER 198410 € 
- Sahara (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioAriola 80425 IUGER 197810 € 
- Spiel Mir Das Lied Vom Tod (Soundtrack) (Once Upon A Time In The West) 
Morricone, EnnioRCA SP 8018ITA 196675 € 
- Svegliati E Uccidi (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioAriete ARLP 2002ITA 1969175 € 
- Teorema (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioUnited Artists SULP 1228UK 196910 € 
- The Big Gundown (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioUnited Artists UAS 5190USA 196810 € 
- The Big Gundown (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioUnited Artists UA-LA 297USA 197410 € 
- The Big Gundown (Soundtrack) (reissue) 
Morricone, EnnioCapitol ST 642USA 197075 € 
- The Bird With The Crystal Plumage (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioBell 1105USA 197210 € 
- The Burglars (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioBell BELLS 209UK 197210 € 
- The Burglars (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioUnited Artists SULP 1197UK 196810 € 
- The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioUnited Artists UAS 5172USA 196710 € 
- The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioAriola 206 253GER 198410 € 
- The Key - Der Schlüssel (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioUnited Artists UAS 29005GER 196825 € 
- The Mercenary (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioVirgin V 2402UK 198610 € 
- The Mission (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioParamount PAS 6019USA 197110 € 
- The Red Tent (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioParamount SPFL 275UK 197110 € 
- The Red Tent (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioStateside SSL 10307UK 197010 € 
- The Sicilian Clan (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioMCA 205 091USA 198225 € 
- The Thing (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioMCA MCA 4164USA 198225 € 
- The Thing (Soundtrack) 
Morricone, EnnioMCA MCA 6111USA 198250 € 
- The Thing (Soundtrack) 
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