Artist: Embryo

EmbryoMateriali Sonori MASO 33036ITA 199025 € 
- Africa 
EmbryoMateriali Sonori MASO 33012ITA 198010 € 
- Anthology 
EmbryoApril 0010GER 197725 € 
- Apo Calypso 
EmbryoApril 0005GER 197625 € 
- Bad Heads And Bad Cats (first pressing, no LC) 
EmbryoUnited Artists UAS 29774/75GER 197525 € 
- Classic German Rock Scene (2LP-Set) 
EmbryoUnited Artists UAS 29239GER 197175 € 
- Embryo's Rache 
EmbryoSchneeball 0020GER 197925 € 
- Embryo's Reise (2LP-Set) 
EmbryoUnited Artists UAS 29344GER 197275 € 
- Father Son And Holy Ghosts 
EmbryoSchneeball 1028GER 198225 € 
- La Blama Sparozzi (Zwischenzonen) (2LP-Set) 
EmbryoSchneeball 0023GER 198125 € 
- Life 
EmbryoApril 0003GER 197625 € 
- Live 
EmbryoOhr OMM 56003GER 1970150 € 
- Opal (first pressing with balloon) 
EmbryoBrain 1036GER 197350 € 
- Rocksession (green Brain Metronome label) 
EmbryoBrain 201.109GER 197310 € 
- Rocksession (Reissue of Brain 1036, 2001 series) 
EmbryoBrain 1023GER 197350 € 
- Steig Aus (green Brain Metronome label) 
EmbryoBrain 40.121GER 197910 € 
- Steig Aus (Reissue, Rock On Brain series, different cover) 
EmbryoBASF BC 22385USA 197525 € 
- Surfin! 
EmbryoBuk 17 22385-3GER 197525 € 
- Surfin! 
EmbryoBrain 200.152GER 197410 € 
- This Is... (Reissue of Brain 1023, 2001 series) 
EmbryoSchneeball 1045-08GER 198925 € 
- Turn Peace 
EmbryoBASF 20 21865-1GER 197350 € 
- We Keep On 
EmbryoMateriali Sonori MASO 33026ITA 198425 € 
- Zack Glück 
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