Label: Stiff

Any TroubleTRUBZ 1UK 198010 € 
- Live At The Venue (Promo Only, generic white sleeve) 
Any Trouble6.24829GER 198110 € 
- Wheels In Motion 
Any TroubleSEEZ 37UK 198110 € 
- Wheels In Motion 
Any TroubleUSE 13USA 198110 € 
- Wheels In Motion 
Any Trouble6.24439GER 198010 € 
- Where Are All The Nice Girls? 
Any TroubleSEEZ 25UK 198010 € 
- Where Are All The Nice Girls? 
Any TroubleUSE 6USA 198010 € 
- Where Are All The Nice Girls? 
Belle Stars, TheSEEZ 45UK 198310 € 
- The Belle Stars 
Belle Stars, The6.25456GER 198310 € 
- The Belle Stars 
Carrasco, Joe King & The Crowns6.24512GER 198010 € 
- Mil Gracias A Tudos Nuestros Amigos 
Carrasco, Joe King & The CrownsSEEZ 28UK 198010 € 
- Mil Gracias A Tudos Nuestros Amigos 
Chase, TommySEEZ 66UK 198710 € 
- Groove Merchant 
Costello, Elvis6.23318GER 197725 € 
- My Aim Is True 
Costello, Elvis940 560FRA 197750 € 
- My Aim Is True (French release with bonus 7"-single) 
Costello, ElvisSEEZ 3UK 197750 € 
- My Aim Is True (first pressing, pink back cover) 
Damned, TheSEEZ 1UK 1976400 € 
- Damned (Damned Damned) (first pressing with Eddie & The Hot Rods picture and sticker) 
Damned, The28664 XOTNL 197725 € 
- Damned (Damned Damned) 
Damned, The6.23316GER 197750 € 
- Damned (Damned Damned) 
Damned, The6.23316GER 198625 € 
- Damned (Damned Damned) (reissue, coloured vinyl) 
Damned, TheSEEZ 1UK 197750 € 
- Damned (Damned Damned) (regular first pressing) 
Damned, The6.23320GER 198625 € 
- Music For Pleasure (reissue, coloured vinyl) 
Damned, The6.23320GER 197725 € 
- Music For Pleasure 
Damned, TheSEEZ 5UK 197725 € 
- Music For Pleasure 
Damned, TheGET 4UK 198610 € 
- The Captains Birthday Party (Live at The Roundhouse 1977, blue vinyl) 
Dekker, Desmond6.24333GER 198010 € 
- Black And Dekker 
Dekker, DesmondSEEZ 26UK 198010 € 
- Black And Dekker 
Dekker, DesmondUSE 7USA 198010 € 
- Black And Dekker 
Dekker, Desmond6.24828GER 198110 € 
- Compass Point 
Dekker, DesmondSEEZ 36UK 198110 € 
- Compass Point 
Dekker, DesmondUSE 15USA 198110 € 
- Compass Point 
Dirty Looks6.24437GER 198010 € 
- Dirty Looks 
Dirty LooksJE 36434USA 198010 € 
- Dirty Looks 
Dirty LooksSEEZ 22UK 198010 € 
- Dirty Looks 
Dirty Looks6.24869GER 198110 € 
- Turn It Up 
Dirty LooksSEEZ 38UK 198110 € 
- Turn It Up 
Dr. FeelgoodUSE 12USA 198010 € 
- A Case Of The Shakes 
Dr. FeelgoodSEEZ 65UK 198610 € 
- Brilleaux 
Dr. FeelgoodSEEZ 67UK 198710 € 
- Classic 
Dury, Ian6.23795GER 197910 € 
- Do It Yourself (30+ cover variations with different wallpapers) 
Dury, IanJE 36104USA 197910 € 
- Do It Yourself (with bonus 7"-single, 30+ cover variations) 
Dury, IanSEEZ 14UK 197910 € 
- Do It Yourself (30+ cover variations with different wallpapers) 
Dury, Ian6.24975GER 198110 € 
- Jukebox Dury (Compilation) 
Dury, IanSEEZ 41UK 198110 € 
- Jukebox Dury (Compilation) 
Dury, IanUSE 17USA 198110 € 
- Jukebox Dury (Compilation) 
Dury, Ian6.24540GER 198010 € 
- Laughter 
Dury, IanJE 36998USA 198010 € 
- Laughter 
Dury, IanSEEZ 30UK 198010 € 
- Laughter 
Dury, Ian6.23511GER 197710 € 
- New Boots And Panties 
Dury, IanSEEZ 4UK 197710 € 
- New Boots And Panties (two different versions) 
Dury, IanUSE 2USA 197810 € 
- New Boots And Panties 
Equators, TheCHEAP ONEUSA 198110 € 
- Hot 
Equators, TheSEEZ 35UK 198110 € 
- Hot 
Feelies, The6.24266GER 198050 € 
- Crazy Rhythms 
Feelies, TheSEEZ 20UK 198050 € 
- Crazy Rhythms 
Feelies, TheUSE 4USA 198050 € 
- Crazy Rhythms 
FurnitureSEEZ 64UK 198610 € 
- The Wrong People 
GirlschoolUSE 18USA 198110 € 
- Hit And Run 
Gomm, IanJE 36103USA 197810 € 
- Gomm With The Wind 
Jupp, Mickey6.23655GER 197810 € 
- Juppanese 
Jupp, MickeySEEZ 10UK 197810 € 
- Juppanese 
King Kurt6.26319GER 198610 € 
- Big Cock 
King KurtP SEEZ 62UK 198610 € 
- Big Cock (limited edition, red vinyl) 
King KurtSEEZ 62UK 198610 € 
- Big Cock 
King KurtP SEEZ 62GER 198625 € 
- Big Cock (Picture Disc) (limited edition) 
King Kurt205 965NL 198310 € 
- Ooh Wallah Wallah 
King Kurt6.25749GER 198310 € 
- Ooh Wallah Wallah 
King KurtSEEZ 52UK 198310 € 
- Ooh Wallah Wallah 
Lew Lewis Reformer6.23999GER 197910 € 
- Save The Wail 
Lew Lewis ReformerSEEZ 16UK 197910 € 
- Save The Wail 
Lewie, Jona6.24988GER 198210 € 
- Heart Skips Beat 
Lewie, JonaSEEZ 40UK 198210 € 
- Heart Skips Beat 
Lewie, Jona6.23654GER 197810 € 
- On The Other Hand There's A Fist 
Lewie, Jona6.24449GER 198010 € 
- On The Other Hand There's A Fist (re-release with different tracks) 
Lewie, JonaSEEZ 8UK 197810 € 
- On The Other Hand There's A Fist (yellow vinyl) 
Lewie, JonaSEEZ 888.888UK 197910 € 
- On The Other Hand There's A Fist (re-release with bonus track) 
Lewie, JonaUSE 8USA 198010 € 
- On The Other Hand There's A Fist 
Lovich, Lene6.24228GER 197910 € 
- Flex (also on turquoise vinyl) 
Lovich, LeneJE 36308USA 198010 € 
- Flex 
Lovich, LeneSEEZ 19UK 197910 € 
- Flex 
Lovich, LenePE 37452USA 198110 € 
- New Toy (6-Track Mini-LP) 
Lovich, Lene6.25421GER 198210 € 
- No Man's Land 
Lovich, LeneARE 38399USA 198210 € 
- No Man's Land 
Lovich, LeneD SEEZ 44UK 198210 € 
- No Man's Land (clear vinyl) 
Lovich, LeneSEEZ 44UK 198210 € 
- No Man's Land 
Lovich, Lene6.23653GER 197810 € 
- Stateless 
Lovich, LeneJE 36102USA 197910 € 
- Stateless 
Lovich, LeneSEEZ 7UK 197810 € 
- Stateless (red vinyl) 
Madness6.24944GER 198110 € 
- 7 
MadnessSEEZ 39UK 198110 € 
- 7 
MadnessUSE 16USA 198110 € 
- 7 
Madness6.24511GER 198010 € 
- Absolutely 
MadnessSEEZ 29UK 198010 € 
- Absolutely 
Madness205 357NL 198210 € 
- Complete Madness (Compilation) 
Madness6.25101GER 198210 € 
- Complete Madness (Compilation) 
MadnessSEEZ 32UK 198210 € 
- Complete Madness (Compilation) 
Madness6.25639GER 198410 € 
- Keep Moving 
MadnessSEEZ 53UK 198410 € 
- Keep Moving 
Madness206 158NL 198410 € 
- Keep Moving 
MadnessP SEEZ 53UK 198410 € 
- Keep Moving (Picture Disc) 
Madness6.24174GER 197910 € 
- One Step Beyond 
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