Label: Sonoton

Atking, TedSON 159GER 198110 € 
- Joys For Girls And Boys 
Australian Screen Music OrchestraSON 257GER 198610 € 
- Scenic Drama 
Balding, PeterSON 134GER 198010 € 
- Panoramic Themes And Underscores (Munich Symphony Orchestra) 
Balding, PeterSON 207GER 198410 € 
- Situations - Comedy (Munich Symphony Orchestra) 
Bastow, GeoffSON 268GER 198710 € 
- The AV Conception, Vol. 2 
Bastow, GeoffSON 291GER 198810 € 
- The AV Conception, Vol. 3 
Bastow, GeoffSON 305GER 198810 € 
- The AV Conception, Vol. 4 
Bell, David & Mladen FrankoSON 140GER 198010 € 
- Comic Cuts, Vol. 2 (Slapstick - Animation - Effects) 
Bell, David & Otto SiebenSON 139GER 198010 € 
- Comic Cuts, Vol. 1 (Comedy - Children - Cartoon) 
Bencker, LaszloSON 326GER 198910 € 
- A Little Byte Music 
Bencker, LaszloSON 260GER 198610 € 
- Lady Robot 
Bencker, LaszloSON 261GER 198610 € 
- Lady Robot (Jingles & Underscores) 
Bencker, LaszloSON 315GER 198910 € 
- Really Hip 
Bencker, LaszloSON 295GER 198810 € 
- Robot Couture 
Bencker, LaszloSON 297GER 198810 € 
- Robot Couture (Underscores 2) 
Bergier, AlainSON 323GER 198910 € 
- Silent Waves (New Age Music) 
Bloch, AugustynSON 102GER 198025 € 
- Unusual Sounds, Vol. 1 (Reflections) 
Bloch, AugustynSON 133GER 198025 € 
- Unusual Sounds, Vol. 2 (The Brain) 
Breed, George & John RossmanSON 299GER 198810 € 
- Ideas From The Creative Factory, Vol. 1 
Breed, George & John RossmanSON 312GER 198810 € 
- Ideas From The Creative Factory, Vol. 2 
Burdson, SammySON 104GER 198025 € 
- Contemporary Sounds And Movements, Vol. 1 
Burdson, SammySON 252GER 198610 € 
- Dramatic Timpani & Drums 
Burdson, SammySON 103GER 198025 € 
- Drum Punch 
Burdson, SammySON 240GER 198625 € 
- Drum Punch, Vol. 2 
Burdson, SammySON 106GER 198025 € 
- Space Fiction 
Burdson, Sammy & John FiddySON 130GER 198010 € 
- Slow (Motion And Movement) 
Candler, NormanSON 148GER 198010 € 
- Soft And Tender 
Candler, NormanSON 142GER 198010 € 
- Swinging Centuries, Vol. 3 (Baroque-Classical-Romantic Periods) 
Clero, JeanSON 176GER 198210 € 
- Pastoral Suite 
Comedes, FrankSON 182GER 198210 € 
- Scenic Panpipes, Vol. 1 
Comedes, FrankSON 183GER 198210 € 
- Scenic Panpipes, Vol. 2 
Comedes, FrankSON 256GER 198610 € 
- The AV Conception, Vol. 1 
Condar, NorbertSON 147GER 198010 € 
- Age Of Chivalry 
Doerr, LudwigSON 166GER 198110 € 
- Descriptive Dramatic Organ 
Ehrlinger, Hans & Roy EtzelSON 258GER 198510 € 
- Comic Cuts, Vol. 5 (Descriptive Moods & Effects) 
Elias, LutzSON 267GER 198610 € 
- Shalom 
Epping, JohnSON 218GER 198410 € 
- Dream Flow 
Epping, JohnSON 262GER 198610 € 
- Innovations 
Epping, JohnSON 290GER 198810 € 
- Leaders, Vol. 1 
Epping, JohnSON 302GER 198810 € 
- Leaders, Vol. 2 
Epping, JohnSON 313GER 198810 € 
- Leaders, Vol. 3 
Epping, JohnSON 278GER 198710 € 
- Nice And Gentle 
Epping, JohnSON 283GER 198710 € 
- Testimony To The Past, Vol. 1 
Epping, JohnSON 284GER 198710 € 
- Testimony To The Past, Vol. 2 
Epping, John & Jeff NewmannSON 271GER 198710 € 
- Classical Styling (with Otto Sieben, Gregor Narholz, Milan Pilar) 
Epping, John & Wolf NanssenSON 202GER 198310 € 
- New Waves - Flow (with Mac Prindy) 
Epping, John & Wolf NanssenSON 202/03GER 198310 € 
- New Waves - Flow/Underscores (2LP-Set) 
Epping, John & Wolf NanssenSON 203GER 198310 € 
- New Waves - Underscores (with Mac Prindy) 
Feanch, AlainSON 153GER 198110 € 
- Scoop (Contemporary Documentary Themes) 
Fiddy, JohnSON 311GER 198810 € 
- Classical Styling, Vol. 3 
Fiddy, JohnSON 307GER 198810 € 
- Corporate Fanfares 
Fiddy, JohnSON 117GER 198010 € 
- Industrial Themes & Underscores, Vol. 1 
Fiddy, JohnSON 118GER 198010 € 
- Industrial Themes & Underscores, Vol. 2 
Fiddy, JohnSON 137GER 198010 € 
- Industrial Themes & Underscores, Vol. 3 
Fiddy, JohnSON 184GER 198210 € 
- Industrial Themes & Underscores, Vol. 4 (Propulsion) 
Fiddy, JohnSON 246GER 198610 € 
- Industrial Themes & Underscores, Vol. 5 
Fiddy, JohnSON 173GER 198210 € 
- Signatures 
Fiddy, JohnSON 213GER 198410 € 
- Success Story 
Fiddy, JohnSON 234GER 198510 € 
- Success Story, Vol. 2 
Fiddy, JohnSON 249GER 198610 € 
- Success Story, Vol. 3 
Fiddy, JohnSON 282GER 198710 € 
- Success Story, Vol. 4 
Fiddy, JohnSON 180GER 198210 € 
- Suite In Oil And Steel 
Fiddy, John & Jim HarbourgSON 200GER 198310 € 
- Neutral Moods And Static Sounds, Vol. 1 
Fiddy, John & Kevin PeekSON 156GER 198110 € 
- Descriptive Guitar And Flute, Vol. 1 (with Chris Taylor, Tony Tape) 
Fiddy, John & Larry RobbinsSON 199GER 198310 € 
- Vee Dee U - Technopop 
Fiddy, John & Mac PrindySON 157GER 198110 € 
- Descriptive Solo Bass Instruments 
Fiddy, John & Norman CandlerSON 119GER 198010 € 
- Softly 
Fiddy, John & Otto SiebenSON 152GER 198110 € 
- Descriptive Solo Flutes, Vol. 1 (with Chris Taylor, Tony Tape) 
Fiddy, John & Otto SiebenSON 124GER 198010 € 
- Pastoral Scenes And Underscores 
Fiddy, John & Tony TapeSON 151GER 198110 € 
- Descriptive Solo Guitar, Vol. 1 (with Kevin Peek) 
Flat, Gil & Frank SymanSON 141GER 198010 € 
- Comic Cuts, Vol. 3 (Descriptive Slapstick And Solo Effects) 
Fox, JohnSON 263GER 198610 € 
- Love Affairs - Dramatic Orchestral Moods, Vol. 2 
Fox, JohnSON 269GER 198710 € 
- Pomp And Glory (The Best Of Edward Elgar) 
Fox, JohnSON 236GER 198510 € 
- Symphonic Scenes And Open Air Activities 
Fox, John & Alain FeanchSON 229GER 198510 € 
- Comic Cuts, Vol. 4 (Race & Chase & Slapstick Saloon) 
Fox, John & Otto SiebenSON 205GER 198310 € 
- Emotions (Munich Chamber Orchestra) 
Franko, MladenSON 101GER 198025 € 
- Amazing Space, Vol. 1 
Franko, MladenSON 120GER 198025 € 
- Amazing Space, Vol. 2 
Franko, MladenSON 105GER 198025 € 
- Contemporary Sounds And Movements, Vol. 2 
Franko, MladenSON 189GER 198310 € 
- Swinging Centuries, Vol. 5 
Franko, Mladen & Kai RautenbergSON 232GER 198510 € 
- Tour Of The Works 
Frey, MatthiasSON 304GER 198810 € 
- Art Profiles 
Gallo, GerardSON 158GER 198110 € 
- Ballade Symphoniques (Munich Symphony Orchestra) 
Goltz, MichaelSON 174GER 198210 € 
- Romantic Guitar 
Herold, HelmuthSON 224GER 198410 € 
- For The Little Ones 
Hornemann, CharlesSON 253GER 198610 € 
- Guitars Unlimited (as Charly Hornemann) 
Inglessis, DimitrieSON 143GER 198010 € 
- Swinging Centuries, Vol. 4 (Baroque And Romantic Periods) 
Jacob, Albert & Peter BaldingSON 191GER 198310 € 
- Dramatic Sounds And Movements, Vol. 2 (with Mac Prindy, Branislav Zivkovic) 
Janda, PeterSON 285GER 198810 € 
- Slow Motion 
Janda, PeterSON 280GER 198710 € 
- Sound Force 
Janda, Peter & Fritz KöberlSON 239GER 198510 € 
- Sound Giants 
Kluten, AlfredSON 251GER 198610 € 
- Courtly Period - Castles, Parks & Stately Homes, Vol. 2 
Kluten, AlfredSON 212GER 198410 € 
- Gaudeamus Igitur 
Kluten, AlfredSON 309GER 198810 € 
- Halali 
Krautgartner, KarelSON 171GER 198110 € 
- Music In The Air, Vol. 1 (ORF Orchestra) 
Krautgartner, KarelSON 185GER 198210 € 
- Music In The Air, Vol. 2 (ORF Orchestra) 
Krautgartner, KarelSON 198GER 198310 € 
- Music In The Air, Vol. 3 (ORF Orchestra) 
Krautgartner, KarelSON 219GER 198410 € 
- Music In The Air, Vol. 4 (ORF Orchestra) 
Larson, ClaudeSON 111GER 198025 € 
- A Musical Wildlife, Vol. 5 
Larson, ClaudeSON 186GER 198210 € 
- Climax 
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