Label: Paula

Art Ensemble Of ChicagoLPS 4001USA 197325 € 
- Chi Congo  
Bass, FontellaLPS 2213USA 197110 € 
- Free  
Brooks, George E. & The Ink SpotsLPS 2212USA 197110 € 
- Sing Country And Their Own Hits 
Brown, OdellLPS 4005USA 197410 € 
- Odell Brown 
Davis, JimmieLPS 2226USA 197410 € 
- Souvenirs Of Yesterday 
Davis, JimmieLPS 2230USA 197510 € 
- Sunshine 
Douglas, TonyLPS 2198USA 196810 € 
- Heart 
Douglas, TonyLPS 2206USA 196910 € 
- The Versatile 
Five By FiveLPS 2202USA 196925 € 
- Next Exit 
Fred, John & His Playboy BandLPS 2193USA 196710 € 
- 34:40 Of John Fred & His Playboys  
Fred, John & His Playboy BandLPS 2197USA 196710 € 
- Agnes English  
Fred, John & His Playboy BandLPS 2191USA 196610 € 
- John Fred & His Playboys 
Fred, John & His Playboy BandLPS 2197USA 196810 € 
- Judy In Disguise With Glasses (re-release of Agnes English) 
Fred, John & His Playboy BandLPS 2201USA 196810 € 
- Permanently Stated 
Gilley, MickeyLPS 2224USA 197410 € 
- At His Best 
Gilley, MickeyLPS 2195USA 196725 € 
- Down The Line 
Gilley, MickeyLPS 2234USA 197810 € 
- Mickey Gilley 
JoyLPS 2217USA 197225 € 
- Thunderfoot  
Kell Street Camp MeetingLPS 2211USA 197110 € 
- Dinner And Joy On The Ground  
Kole, RonnieLPS 2207USA 196910 € 
- New Orleans' Newest Sound 
Kole, RonnieLPS 2209USA 197010 € 
- New Orleans... Today 
Kole, RonnieLPS 2200USA 196810 € 
- Plays For (You Alone) 
McCall, CashLPS 2220USA 197210 € 
- Omega Man 
Montclairs, TheLPS 2216USA 197225 € 
- Dreaming Out Of Season 
Moody, JamesLPS 4003USA 197310 € 
- Sax & Flute Man  
One SongLPS 2228USA 197425 € 
- One Song 
Patterson, BobbyLPS 2215USA 1972100 € 
- It's Just A Matter Of Time 
Peck, Bert & The Kings Of DixielandLPS 2225USA 197410 € 
- New Orleans Beat 
Poole, CherylLPS 2205USA 196910 € 
- Cheryl 
Redd Holt UnlimitedLPS 4006USA 197425 € 
- Isaac, Isaac, Isaac 
Redd Holt UnlimitedLPS 4007USA 197525 € 
- The Other Side Of The Moon  
Rod St. JamesLPS 2218USA 197225 € 
- Has Anybody Seen The Superstar 
Stitt, SonnyLPS 4004USA 197410 € 
- Soul Girl  
Stitt, SonnyLPS 4004USA 197310 € 
- Soul Girl 
Stuckey, NatLPS 2196USA 196710 € 
- All My Tomorrows 
Stuckey, NatLPS 2203USA 196910 € 
- Country Favorites Stuckey Style 
Stuckey, NatLPS 2192USA 196610 € 
- Sings 
Uniques, TheLPS 2208USA 197010 € 
- Golden Hits 
Uniques, TheLPS 2194USA 196725 € 
- Happening Now 
Uniques, TheLPS 2199USA 196825 € 
- Playtime  
Uniques, TheLPS 2204USA 196925 € 
- The Uniques  
Uniques, TheLPS 2190USA 196625 € 
- Uniquely Yours 
Waldron, MalLPS 4000USA 197310 € 
- On Steinway 
Wilson, JustinLPS 2222USA 197310 € 
- A Cajun Christmas 
Wilson, JustinLPS 2232USA 197610 € 
- For True 
Wilson, JustinLPS 2214USA 197210 € 
- Hunting With... 
Wilson, JustinLPS 2229USA 197510 € 
- In Orbit 
Wilson, JustinLPS 2223USA 197410 € 
- Keep It Clean 
Wilson, JustinLPS 2221USA 197310 € 
- Meets Jean (John) Barleycorn 
Wilson, JustinLPS 2210USA 197010 € 
- Pass A Good Time With... 
Wilson, JustinLPS 2231USA 197510 € 
- Reading Christmas Stories 
Wilson, JustinLPS 2219USA 197210 € 
- The Old Master Story Teller 
Wilson, JustinLPS 2227USA 197410 € 
- The Sport 
Young-Holt UnlimitedLPS 4002USA 197325 € 
- Plays Super Fly  
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