Label: DJM

Acuff, RoyDJD 28034UK 197710 € 
- Smokey Mountain (2LP-Set) 
Amazing BlondelDJLPS 472UK 197610 € 
- Bad Dreams 
Amazing BlondelDJLPS 446UK 197510 € 
- Inspiration 
Amazing BlondelDJF 20503UK 197710 € 
- Live In Tokyo 
Amazing BlondelDJLPS 443UK 197410 € 
- Mulgrave Street 
Amazing BlondelDJLP 701-2USA 197610 € 
- Mulgrave Street/Inspiration (2LP-Set) 
Anderson BrothersDJF 20533UK 197810 € 
- The Anderson Bros. 
Animals, TheDJB 26069UK 197610 € 
- In Concert From Newcastle 
ArbreDJF 20527UK 197810 € 
- Arbre 
ArbreDJF 20480UK 197610 € 
- Time And Again 
Armstrong, LouisDJLMD 8001UK 197510 € 
- All That Jazz, Vol. 1 (2LP-Set) 
Baird, EddieDJLPS 467UK 197610 € 
- Hard Graft 
Baker, ChetDJSLM 2016UK 197510 € 
- Angel Eyes 
Band Of The Life GuardsDJM 22062UK 197710 € 
- A Souvenir Of London 
Band Of The Life GuardsDJLPS 436UK 197310 € 
- England Made Me 
Band Of The Life GuardsDJM 22048UK 197610 € 
- England Made Me 
Band Of The Life GuardsDJSLM 2005UK 197510 € 
- Horse Of The Year 
Band Of The Life GuardsDJSLM 2030UK 197610 € 
- Soldiers Of The Queen 
Bennett, BrianDJF 20532UK 197850 € 
- Voyage: A Journey Into Discoid Funk 
Bennett, Brian *BandDJF 20499UK 197710 € 
- Rock Dreams 
Berigan, BunnyDJB 26078UK 197610 € 
- Shanghai Shuffle 
Big John's Rock'N'Roll CircusDJLPS 463UK 197510 € 
- Act 2 
Big John's Rock'N'Roll CircusDJLPS 438UK 197410 € 
- Big John's Rock'N'Roll Circus 
Big John's Rock'N'Roll CircusDJF 20511UK 197710 € 
- On The Road 
Blackwater JunctionDJLPS 465UK 197510 € 
- Blackwater Junction 
Blakey, Art & The Jazz MessengersDJSLM 2018UK 197510 € 
- Live 
Boone, PatDJM 22064UK 197710 € 
- Country Love 
Broonzy, Big BillDJLMD 8009UK 197510 € 
- All Them Blues, Vol. 3 (2LP-Set) 
Brough, AysheaDJLPS 445UK 197410 € 
- Lift Off With Ayshea 
Brown, BusterDJM 22037UK 197610 € 
- Raise A Ruckus Tonight 
Burns, GeorgeDJLMD 8004UK 197510 € 
- An Evening With... (2LP-Set) 
Butler, JerryDJD 28027UK 197610 € 
- Make It Easy On Yourself (2LP-Set) 
Button Down BrassDJSLM 2004UK 197410 € 
- A Barbecue Party, Western Style 
Button Down BrassDJSLM 2002UK 197410 € 
- A Button Down Party 
Button Down BrassDJSLM 2020UK 197510 € 
- Another Party 
Button Down BrassDJM 22076UK 197725 € 
- Cops 'N' Robbers 
Button Down BrassDJSLM 2023UK 197625 € 
- Firedog! 
Button Down BrassDJM 22046UK 197625 € 
- Funk In Hell 
Canned Heat26072UK 197610 € 
- Live At Topanga Corral (different cover) 
Carlin, JoannaDJF 20508UK 197710 € 
- Fancy That 
Carrott, JasperDJF 20518UK 197710 € 
- A Pain In The Arm 
Carrott, JasperDJF 20575UK 198110 € 
- Beat The Carrott 
Carrott, JasperDJF 20482UK 197610 € 
- Carrott In Notts 
Carrott, JasperDJF 20580UK 198210 € 
- Carrott's Lib 
Carrott, JasperDJLPS 462UK 197510 € 
- Rabbitts On And On And On... 
Carrott, JasperDJF 20549UK 197810 € 
- The Best Of... 
Carrott, JasperDJF 20582UK 198310 € 
- The Stun (Carrott Tells All) 
Carrott, JasperDJF 20560UK 197910 € 
- The Unrecorded 
Cartwright, DaveDJF 20489UK 197610 € 
- Masquerade 
Cason, BuzzDJLPA 8USA 197710 € 
- Buzz 
Chandler, GeneDJB 26077UK 197610 € 
- Duke Of Earl 
Chanoch, ShalomDSLPS 421UK 197125 € 
- Shalom Chanoch 
ClaggersDJLPS 412UK 197110 € 
- Chumley's Laughing Gear 
Clayton, ObieDJLPS 458UK 197510 € 
- Obie Clayton 
Coasters, TheDJM 22053UK 197610 € 
- The World Famous Coasters 
Cole, Nat KingDJSLM 2029UK 197610 € 
- Crazy 'Bout Rhythm 
Coulson, Dennis & Dixie DeanDJLPS 424UK 197225 € 
- Lo & Behold (with McGuiness Flint) 
Coulson, Dennis & Dixie Dean86264 ITGER 197210 € 
- Lo And Behold (with Hughie Flint & Tom McGuinness) 
Coulson, Dennis & Dixie DeanDJLPS 424UK 197210 € 
- Lo And Behold (with Hughie Flint & Tom McGuinness) 
Creach, Papa JohnDJF 20545UK 197810 € 
- Inphasion 
Creach, Papa JohnDJF 2545UK 197810 € 
- Inphasion 
Creach, Papa JohnDJM 18USA 197810 € 
- Inphasion 
Creach, Papa JohnDJF 20515UK 197710 € 
- The Cat And The Fiddle 
Creach, Papa JohnDJLPA 11USA 197710 € 
- The Cat And The Fiddle 
Crouch, Andrae & The DisciplesDJF 20496UK 197610 € 
- This Is Another Day 
Crudup, ArthurDJSLM 2025UK 197610 € 
- That's Alright Mama (as Arthur 'Big Boy' Crudup) 
Dalton & DubarriDJF 20565UK 197910 € 
- Choice 
Darren, JennyDJF 20497UK 197710 € 
- City Lights 
Darren, JennyDJF 20523UK 197810 € 
- Jenny Darren 
Darren, JennyDJF 20569UK 198010 € 
- Jenny Darren 
Darren, JennyDJF 20547UK 197810 € 
- Queen Of Fools 
Darren, JennyDJM 21USA 197810 € 
- Queen Of Fools 
De Sykes, StephanieDJF 20528UK 197810 € 
- Crazy Lady 
Deep FeelingDJLPS 419UK 197125 € 
- Deep Feeling 
Dells, TheDJD 28032UK 197310 € 
- Cornered (2LP-Set) 
Denver, JohnDJSL 057UK 197510 € 
- Songs Of... 
Disco OrchestralDJSLM 2033UK 197610 € 
- Soupa Disco Sounds 
Dr. JohnDJSLM 2019UK 197510 € 
- Cut Me While I'm Hot 
Elbert, DonnieDJSLM 2014UK 197510 € 
- Stop In The Name Of Love 
Ellington, DukeDJD 28035UK 197710 € 
- A Collector's Item (2LP-Set) 
Ellington, DukeDJLMD 8020UK 197610 € 
- All That Jazz, Vol. 6 (2LP-Set) 
Ellington, DukeDJD 28023UK 197610 € 
- Concert At Carnegie Hall (2LP-Set) 
Everett, BettyDJM 22042UK 197610 € 
- It's In His Kiss 
Everly, DonDJF 20501UK 197610 € 
- Brother Juke-Box 
Farmer, ArtDJSLM 2011UK 197510 € 
- Work Of Art 
Feldman, VictorDJM 22058UK 197710 € 
- Rockavibabe 
Gibson, DonDJF 20477UK 197610 € 
- Don't Stop Loving Me 
Gibson, DonDJD 28029UK 197610 € 
- Four Sides Of... (2LP-Set) 
Gibson, DonDJF 20502UK 197710 € 
- I'm All Wrapped Up 
Gibson, DonDJF 20539UK 197810 € 
- Starting All Over Again 
Giuffre, JimmyDJD 28030UK 197325 € 
- Mosquito Dance (2LP-Set) 
Glover, SueDSLPS 469UK 197610 € 
- Solo 
Goodhand-Tait, PhillipDJLPS 416UK 197110 € 
- I Think I'll Write A Song 
Goodhand-Tait, PhillipDJM 9102USA 197110 € 
- I Think I'll Write A Song 
Goodhand-Tait, PhillipDJLPS 453UK 197410 € 
- Jingle Jangle Man 
Goodhand-Tait, PhillipDJLPS 432UK 197310 € 
- Phillip Goodhand-Tait 
Goodhand-Tait, PhillipDJLPS 411UK 197025 € 
- Rehearsal 
Goodhand-Tait, PhillipDJLPS 425UK 197210 € 
- Songfall 
Gorman, JohnDJF 20491UK 197710 € 
- Go Man Gorman 
GrimmsDJLPS 470UK 197610 € 
- Sleepers  
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