Label: Black Lion

Bishop, Walter Jr.BLP 60109GER 198910 € 
- Milestones (reissue of Speak Low) 
Braxton, Anthony28459-6GER 197310 € 
- The Complete Braxton (2LP-Set) 
Colyer, KenBLP 12136UK 197610 € 
- Darkness On The Delta 
Dollar BrandBLP 60127GER 198910 € 
- Reflections (reissue) 
Dollar BrandBLP 60111GER 198810 € 
- Round Midnight At The Montmartre 
Dollar Brand65.101FRA 198010 € 
- The Dream 
Dollar Brand28 448-9 UGER 197310 € 
- This Is 
Dollar BrandBL 192USA 197310 € 
- This Is 
Dollar BrandBLP 30139UK 197310 € 
- This Is 
Griffin, JohnnyBLP 60107GER 198810 € 
- The Man I Love (reissue) 
Griffin, Johnny28 434-9 UGER 197210 € 
- You Leave Me Breathless 
Griffin, JohnnyBLP 30134UK 197210 € 
- You Leave Me Breathless 
Hampton, SlideBLP 60113GER 198810 € 
- World Of Trombones (reissue) 
Humes, HelenBLP 30167UK 197510 € 
- On The Sunny Side Of The Street 
Lightfoot, TerryBLPX 12143/44UK 197910 € 
- In Concert (2LP-Set) 
Lyttelton, HumphreyBLP 12108UK 197110 € 
- Duke Ellington Classics 
Lyttelton, HumphreyBLP 51011UK 198210 € 
- Echoes Of Harlem 
Lyttelton, HumphreyBLP 12160UK 197710 € 
- Hazy Crazy & Blue 
Lyttelton, HumphreyINT 147.005GER 197710 € 
- Hazy Crazy & Blue 
Lyttelton, HumphreyBLP 12188UK 197910 € 
- Sir Humph's Delight! 
Lyttelton, HumphreyBLP 12134UK 197510 € 
- Take It From The Top (A Dedication To Duke Ellington) 
Lyttelton, Humphrey & Mike PyneBLP 12149UK 197810 € 
- Once In A While 
Mason, RodBLP 12145UK 197710 € 
- Good Companions 
Mason, RodBLP 12180UK 197910 € 
- Great Having You Around 
Mason, RodBLP 12167UK 197810 € 
- Meet Me Where They Play The Blues 
Mason, Rod & Beryl BrydenBLP 12194UK 198010 € 
- After Hours (Recorded Live At The North Sea Jazz Festival) 
Max Collie's Rhythm AcesBLP 12181UK 197910 € 
- By Popular Demand 
Max Collie's Rhythm AcesBLP 12168UK 197810 € 
- Jazz Rools OK! 
Max Collie's Rhythm AcesBLPX 12137/38UK 197610 € 
- World Champions Of Jazz (2LP-Set) 
McCorkle, SusannahBLP 12169UK 197710 € 
- The Quality Of Mercer 
McShann, JayBLP 30169UK 197410 € 
- Vine Street Boogie 
McShann, JayINT 162.017GER 197410 € 
- Vine Street Boogie 
Sunshine, MontyBLP 12135UK 197910 € 
- Sunshine In London 
Tate, Buddy2460 172UK 197210 € 
- Jumpin' On The West Coast 
Tate, BuddyBL 172USA 197210 € 
- Jumpin' On The West Coast 
Tate, BuddyBLP 30128NL 197210 € 
- Jumpin' On The West Coast 
Tate, Buddy & Humphrey LytteltonBL 312USA 197510 € 
- Kansas City Woman 
Tate, Buddy & Humphrey LytteltonBLP 30163UK 197510 € 
- Kansas City Woman 
Vinson, Eddie 'Cleanhead'BLP 30168GER 197510 € 
- Jamming The Blues 
Webster, Ben28 413-3 UGER 197110 € 
- Atmosphere For Lovers And Thieves (reissue of Blue Light) 
Webster, BenBLP 30105UK 197110 € 
- Atmosphere For Lovers And Thieves (reissue of Blue Light) 
Webster, BenBLP 30105UK 197110 € 
- Days Of Wine And Roses (reissue of Blue Light) 
Webster, Ben28 445-5 UGER 197110 € 
- Duke's In Bed! (reissue of Big Sound) 
Webster, BenBLP 30137UK 197110 € 
- Duke's In Bed! (reissue of Big Sound) 
Webster, BenBLP 30173UK 197710 € 
- Midnight At The Montmartre 
Webster, BenINT 147.003GER 197710 € 
- Midnight At The Montmartre 
Webster, BenBLP 30155UK 197410 € 
- Saturday Night At The Montmartre 
Webster, BenBLP 60108GER 198810 € 
- Stormy Weather 
Webster, BenBLP 30182UK 197710 € 
- Sunday Morning At The Montmartre 
Webster, BenINT 147.010GER 197710 € 
- Sunday Morning At The Montmartre 
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